Conservation of Donatello's St. John the Baptist

Author Donatello
Title St John the Baptist
Material bronze
Technique casting
Size height 83 cm
Workshop Objects Conservation
Donatello. St. John the Baptist


Like many pieces from the Collection of Transferred Cultural Objects which arrived in the museum in 1946, the figure of John the Baptist was badly damaged in explosions and fires.

The absence of fragments of the cloak, legs and other details of the statue made it impossible for it to be properly stored and exhibited.



During the restoration, the existing fragments were connected, and the lost pieces were cast from a composite material in a silicone mold made from the plaster copy. Then, it became possible to design and produce a supporting frame.



As a result of the studies in conjunction with the Kurchatov Institute, as well as conservation and restoration the statue is ready to be exhibited. And now Donatello’s figure of John the Baptist is again available for specialists and visitors of our museum.